how to make swedish glogg

How to Make Glögg

Posted by Niclas Jansson on

The holidays are here, and with that comes a time-honored family tradition for me: glögg! Glögg (pronounced like this), is a Scandinavian-style mulled wine with cardamom, cloves, orange, and a bunch of alcohol. For people in colder countries, it’s a winter classic that warms both your hands and your soul :-)

Here’s a quick recipe to make glögg. For best results, Do step 1 a few days ahead of go-time to let all the flavors blend.


  • 5 dl vodka (about 2 cups), Swedish preferred ;-)
  • ½ cup of brandy
  • Cardamom seeds
  • Cloves
  • Orange rind
  • Oranges
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 3 bottles of wine

Combine everything but the wine and let it rest for a few days. Add the vodka, 3 bottles of wine, and brandy. Bring to a low simmer for two minutes. Strain the mixture, discarding all spices. Pour into mugs, garnish with slivered almonds and raisins. Enjoy in front of a cozy fire with a good company.

Quick version: mix everything together immediately and allow to boil, strain and drink :)

When thinking about what wine to use, you want something fruity without too much tannin! Here are a few bottles we think would be great that we have:


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