Organical Anarchy Radical 2021
There are wines in the world that are as prized for their flavor and character as they are for their rarity. Producers like Overnoy, Rayas, and Selosse have miniscule outputs that are inverse to the big love people have for their wines. But there are some wineries that produce so little wine that they have almost no chance of developing the same fanbase. Aci Urbajs works with less than 3 acres of vines! To give you a sense of how small that is, Overnoy, the smallest of the previously mentioned legends, is nearly 7 times that size, while the largest, Rayas, is almost 13 times. But what makes Aci's wines so special isn't just the rarity; it is their unbridled energy. These are examples of truly living wines. Radicall, named in honor of Friuli’s late Stanko Radikon, is a deeply complex, mysterious, and moving wine. It is the type of wine that, if you have the restraint, should decant and drink over a few hours with friends and food. The word "unicorn" is so overused in wine these days, but… UNICORN, UNICORN, UNICORN! —Billy Smith
The Producer
About Aci Urbajs
About the Region
Styria, Slovenia